Afghanistan | - Telecom Development Company Afghanistan Ltd. (ROSHAN)
Armenia | - ArmenTel (ARMGSM)
- Karabakh Telecom
- K Telecom CJSC (VivaCell)
Australia | - Hutchison 3G Australia Pty Limited
- Singtel Optus Limited (YES OPTUS)
- Telstra Corporation Limited (Telstra MobileNet)
- Vodafone Pacific Limited
Azerbaijan | - Azercell Telecom BM (AZERCELL GSM)
- Bakcell Ltd (BAKCELL GSM 2000)
Belarus | - Belarussian Telecommunications Network (BeST)
- Mobile Digital Communications (VELCOM)
- JLLC Mobile TeleSystems (MTS)
Belgium | - BASE NV/SA
- Belgacom Mobile (PROXIMUS)
- Mobistar S.A.
Bosnia and Herzegovina | - HT MObile Communications Ltd. Mostar (ex. Eronet Mobile Communications Ltd.)
- JODP for Telecoms of Republic Sprska
Brasil | - Nextel (Telet)
- BCP SA (Claro)
- TIM Celular S.A. (TIM BRASIL)
Bulgaria | - BTC Mobile EOOD (vivatel)
- COSMO Bulgaria Mobile EAD (Globul)
- Mobiltel EAD (M-Tel BG)
Croatia | - "T-Mobile Croatia
- VIPnet d.o.o. (VIP-NET)
Cyprus | - Cyprus Telecommunications Auth (Cytamobile-Vodafone)
Czech Republic | - Telefónica O2 Czech Republic a.s. (EUROTEL PRAHA)
- Vodafone Czech Republic a.s. (Oskar Mobil a.s. (ex. Chesky Mobil))
Denmark | - Hi3G Denmark ApS (3 DK)
- Orange (Telia/Denmark)
- Sonofon
- TDC Mobil A/S
- Tele2
- Telia Nattjanster Norden AB (Telia DK)
Egypt | |
Estonia | - Elisa Mobiilside teenused AS (ex-Radiolinja Eesti)
- Estonian Mobile Telephone EMT
- Tele2 Eesti AS
Georgia | - Aquafon-GSM
- GeoCell Ltd
- Magticom Ltd (MAGTI GSM)
Great Britain | - Hutchison 3G UK Ltd
- Manx Telecom Pronto GSM
Greece | - Q-Telecommunications S.A. (ex. Infoquest AEBE (Q-Telecom))
- TIM Hellas Telecommunications S.A. (ex. Stet Hellas) (Telestet)
- Vodafone-Panafon
Hungary | - Pannon GSM
- VODAFONE Hungary Telecommunications Co. Ltd.
Ireland | - Hutchison 3G Ireland limited
- Meteor Mobile Telecommunications Limited
- O2 Communications (Ireland) Ltd.
- Vodafone Ireland Ltd
Israel | - Cellcom Israel Ltd
- Partner Communications Company Ltd (Orange)
Jordan | - Jordan Mobile Telephone Services (Fastlink)
- Petra Jordanian Mobile Telecommunications Company(MobileCom)
Kazakhstan | - GSM Kazakhstan Ltd (K'CELL)
- Kar-Tel Ltd (Beeline)
Kyrgyz Republic | |
Latvia | - Latvian Mobile Telephone Co (LMT GSM)
- SIA Bite Latvija
- Tele 2
Lebanon | - MIC 2 (mtc touch) (Libancell)
Liechtenstein | - Mobilkom (Austria)
- Orange (Liechtenstein) AG (Orange FL)
Lithuania | - UAB Bite Lietuva (ex-Bite-GSM)
- Omnitel
- UAB Tele2
Moldova | |
Mongolia | |
Poland | - PTK-Centertel (Orange)
- Polkomtel SA (Plus)
- Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa Sp. z o.o. (Era GSM)
Saudi Arabia | - Saudi Telecom Company (STC) (AL JAWAL)
Tajikistan | - CJSC Babilon-Mobile
- "Indigo Tajikistan (South
- JV Somoncom
- "TT Mobile
Thailand | - Advanced Info Service PLC (AIS GSM)
- Digital Phone Co Ltd
- TA Orange Company Ltd.
- Total Access Communication (DTAC)
Tunis | |
Turkey | - TT&TIM (ex-AYCELL)
- Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S.
Turkmenistan | - Barash Communication Technologies Inc. (BCTI)
Ukraine | - Astelit LLC (life:))
- Golden Telecom LLC
- Kyivstar GSM JSC
- Ukrainian Mobile Communications (UMC)
Uzbekistan | - Coscom
- Unitel (ex-DAEWOO)
- Coscom
- Uzmacom